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  • STARS Plan
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Stanley has implemented the STARS Plan, a comprehensive personnel system that is ability-based, fair, convincing, and valid, based on the objective of "treasuring motivated and ambition personnel ". We will develop a creative, challenge-seeking, and lively company culture by fostering a free-spirited environment in which each individual employee can be independent.
*STARS Plan=Stanley Total Ability Rating System Plan

Skill Development System

We have developed a fulfilling educational training system based on the goals of "developing skills that lead to improved work performance", "developing skills with a focus on individual characteristics", and "providing opportunities for personnel showing motivation and a strong desire to learn".
We support and promote the skill development for each individual employee through education by employee rank and responsibility, as well as support for self-development and official qualification acquisitions.

Rotation System

In order to promote the independence of the individual and the revitalization and strengthening of the organization by placing the right people in the right position, we have a rotation policy that utilizes the skills of our employees.
There are a multitude of career paths available for employees, including planned rotations to different job responsibilities based on an individual career selection policy, and internal foreign exchange programs.

Evaluation System

We utilize both a skill evaluation system that evaluates work performance based on an ability-based approach, and a performance evaluation system that evaluates the employee's contributions to the company's financial performance. In addition to providing feedback to the employee in question after evaluations take place, we ensure high employee motivation, the promotion of skill development, and fair treatment through qualification acquisition policies, wage systems, and skill development systems.